Use Google’s “People Also Search For” Feature in SEO

Google’s “People Also Search For” (PASF) feature is a great way to find new keywords to target for your SEO campaigns. The feature appears at the bottom of the search results page and shows a list of related queries that people have searched for. By targeting these keywords, you can reach a larger audience and improve your SEO.

1. What is Google’s ‘People Also Search For’ feature?

When you perform a Google search, you may have noticed the “People also search for” section that appears beneath the search results. This feature is designed to help you find related searches that you may be interested in. In this article, we’ll discuss what the “People also search for” feature is and how you can use it to improve your SEO.

What is the “People also search for” feature?

The “People also search for” feature appears as a list of related searches beneath the main search results on It’s designed to help you find related searches that you may be interested in.

The “People also search for” feature is powered by Google’s algorithm, which takes into account your search history, location, and the contents of your search query. Google also takes into account the searcher’s intent, which they determine by looking at the searcher’s history and the searcher’s current search.

How to use the “People also search for” feature

There are a few ways that you can use the “People also search for” feature to improve your SEO.

1. Use it to find new keywords

The “People also search for” feature can be a great way to find new keywords to target. For example, let’s say that you’re a plumber and you’re trying to rank for the keyword “plumber.” But when you search for “plumber” on Google, you notice that the “People also search for” section includes the keywords “plumbing,” “plumbers,” and “plumbing services.”

This is a good indication that you should also be targeting the keywords “plumbing,” “plumbers,” and “plumbing services.” By targeting these keywords, you’ll be able to reach a wider audience and you’ll be more likely to rank for the keyword “plumber.

2. How can this feature be used in SEO?

Google’s “People Also Search For” feature can be a great tool for SEOs. This feature allows you to see what other terms people are searching for that are related to your original query. This can be helpful in a number of ways.

First, it can help you come up with new keyword ideas. If you see that people are searching for similar terms to the ones you’re targeting, you may want to consider adding those keywords to your campaign.

Second, it can help you understand how your keywords are being used. If you see that people are searching for different variations of your keywords, you can adjust your campaigns accordingly.

Finally, it can help you track your progress over time. If you see that the number of people searching for your keywords is increasing, you’ll know that your SEO efforts are paying off.

Overall, Google’s “People Also Search For” feature is a valuable tool for SEOs. If you’re not using it, you should be!

3. What are the benefits of using this feature?

Google’s “People Also Search For” feature is a great way to get new ideas for keywords and phrases to target in your SEO campaigns. Here are some benefits of using this feature:

1. It can help you come up with new ideas for keywords and phrases to target.

When you type in a query into Google, the “People Also Search For” section can give you ideas for other related terms and phrases that you may not have thought of. This can be helpful in coming up with new ideas for keywords to target in your SEO campaigns.

2. It can help you expand your keyword list.

The “People Also Search For” section can help you expand your keyword list by giving you ideas for related terms and phrases. This can be helpful in making sure you are targeting a wide range of keywords in your SEO campaigns.

3. It can help you research your competition.

The “People Also Search For” section can also be helpful in research your competition. By seeing what terms and phrases other companies are targeting, you can get an idea of what keywords you need to be targeting in order to compete.

Overall, the “People Also Search For” feature is a great tool to use in your SEO campaigns. It can help you come up with new ideas for keywords, expand your keyword list, and research your competition.


Google’s “People Also Search For” feature can be used to help optimize a website for search engine optimization. By tracking how often other websites are searched for similar terms to the ones being searched on the website, it can help determine which keywords to focus on for SEO. Additionally, using other popular keywords that are also being searched for can help to boost rankings for the website.


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