Top 6 Vitamins & Calming Devices for Anxiety Sufferers

Anxiety is a nervous system disorder where your body is locked into a state of fear, also known as “fight or flight” your mind perceives “there is some kind of threat or danger,” so your body starts releasing more cortisol and adrenaline.

This makes your heart beat faster, raises blood pressure, and rushes blood to your muscles.

The problem is, our minds cannot distinguish between real and imaginary threats. Thus, if you are feeling worried or stressed regarding some fears in your life like; financial concerns, people who stress you out, or exposing too much bad news; these situations can make you emotionally involved, and your mind perceives a constant danger, so it locks you into this fight or flight.

The common problems of anxiety of include:

  • Sleeping Problems – Finding it hard to switch your thoughts and get into a proper sleep circle.
  • Overthinking – You get engrossed in consistent problem solving as your mind constantly tries to analyze and fix your problems, causing a stream of mental chatter.
  • Memory Problems – The high level of Natural stress can also cause you to find it hard to access memories. You may draw a blank and forget things more often, especially when you aren’t sleeping right.
  • Lump in the throat–Some people also experience a tightness, causing a lump sensation and the voice sounding higher and softer the more anxious you become.

This can be solved with certain useful vitamins and devices. Have a look at some best vitamins to calm your anxiety.

Best Vitamins & Devices for Anxiety

Top Vitamins For Anxiety


Magnesium is a miraculous mineral for stress and anxiety as it has various vital bodily activities support your nervous system and lessen anxiety symptoms.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, must remain at healthy levels, requiring magnesium. GABA promotes relaxation by acting as the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in your brain. Low levels of this neurotransmitter can cause feelings of anxiety, restlessness, or even sleeplessness, which makes sense, given how crucial it is for mood and sleep habits.

What amount per day?

Health Canada advises a daily magnesium intake of 320–420 mg. We often state at A. Vogel that you should be able to receive all the magnesium you require from food alone because there are so many options available.

Although certain individuals, such as menopausal women, might want to try a supplement, we advise Meno Support complex because it contains magnesium citrate.

Vitamin D

The best vitamin for hormones is vitamin D. Vitamin D supports calcium absorption, a healthy immune system, even contribute to sadness and conditions like seasonal affective disorder, or SAD.

Although the exact mechanism by which vitamin D affects your mood is unknown, we know that deficits are associated with anxiety and that depression-related brain regions have a high concentration of vitamin D receptors. This has prompted some professionals to speculate about a potential connection between vitamin D and serotonin.

What amount per day?

In contrast to other nutrients, vitamin D cannot be obtained by diet. Instead, your body creates vitamin D as a result of solar exposure. But vitamin D deficits are relatively frequent in the winter because sunny days might be scarce.

Though vitamin D can be consumed through certain food choices, s people today prefer supplementation. If you think you could be lacking something, start by having your suspicions verified by a doctor.


Calcium, one of the most prevalent elements in the body is essential for strong bones, healthy muscles, and healthy neurons. Low calcium levels are frequently associated with anxiety or stress, particularly in menstruating women. This is due to the possibility that a calcium deficit could trigger PMS-related sadness.

What amount per day?

Adults over 19 require 1,000 mg of calcium daily, primarily from dietary sources. Many people prefer calcium supplements containing other nutrients rather than just calcium. These days, people often combine calcium and magnesium because of how well they relieve muscle tension.

Best Devices for Anxiety

Vitruvi Stone Diffuser

There are a lot of diffusers available; however, this one is created without using any cruelty and contains safety features. In addition, from the perspective of interior design, it’s adorable.

Although there isn’t enough evidence to conclude, the Mayo Clinic says that aromatherapy may have advantages, including lessDevice for anxietyand better sleep.

The Next Generation Meditation Headband

An app that links to the headband walks you through various meditations. As you practice different techniques, the sensors on the apparatus keep track of your breathing, heart rate, and body movements.

You’ll be able to gauge your level of attention right away with the help of all these trackers. You can hear birds chirping if you are paying attention to your breathing. If not, thunder and stormy weather will be audible.

The app’s speaker compared my rambling thoughts to a dog learning how to sit and stay during a terrible meditation session. The dog needs training time, but losing your cool won’t make him sit. Your easily distracted brain is no different.

Himalayan Salt Lamp

The Himalayan salt lamp isgetting high demand being an incredible Anxiety calming device. The light is attractive, which is the first thing you should know. Second, because of the negative ions, it is claimed to emit, it is said to have a long list of health advantages.

Those who suffer from depression and seasonal affective disorder are claimed to benefit from it. Even though there isn’t enough evidence to support all of these claims, after trying one, I felt my mood had improved.

Breathe 5 Devices for Anxiety

Every activity becomes quite difficult due to anxiety. This disease has a harmful impact on millions of individuals. They are such a burden on kids’ lives, and they also suffer from them. The Breathe 5 device is best to take even while traveling or give to kids for school. It can be used anywhere and anytime.

Follow the 5-second rule:

  • Breathe out for five seconds.
  • Remain still for 5 seconds.

• Inhale and hold your breath for 5 seconds.

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