Google AdSense Introduces a New Side Rail Ads Format

Google AdSense has introduced a new side rail ads format that will make it easier for advertisers to place their ads on the website. The new format allows for ads to be placed vertically on the side rail, instead of horizontally, which makes it easier for users to scan through the ads.

1. Google AdSense Introduces a New Side Rail Ads Format

Google AdSense is constantly innovating and introducing new features to help publishers maximize their revenue. Recently, they introduced a new side rail ads format that is designed to improve click-through rates and earnings.

The new ads are similar to the existing text and display ads, but they are placed in a side rail instead of the main content area. This makes them more visible and easier to click on.

The side rail ads are available in three sizes:

Small: 300x250px
Medium: 336x280px

Publishers can choose to display one or two ads in the side rail, and they can also specify the size and position of the ads. The side rail ads are currently only available on desktop devices, but Google plans to roll them out to mobile devices in the future.

If you’re interested in trying out the new side rail ads, you can find more information in the AdSense Help Center.

2. How the New Side Rail Ads Format Will Benefit Advertisers

Google AdSense has announced a new ads format that will be appearing on the side rail of websites. This new format is designed to provide a better user experience for both advertisers and website visitors.

The new format, which is called Sponsored Stories, will display ads that are more relevant to the content of the website. This will make the ads more targeted and effective for both the advertiser and the website visitor.

The Sponsored Stories format will also allow advertisers to customize their ads to match the look and feel of the website. This will make the ads more visually appealing and will help to improve the click-through rate.

Overall, the new Sponsored Stories format will benefit both advertisers and website visitors. Advertisers will be able to reach their target audience more effectively, and website visitors will see ads that are more relevant to their interests.

3. What Advertisers Should Know About the New Side Rail Ads Format

Google AdSense has recently introduced a new side rail ads format. This new format is designed to provide more space for your ads, and to make them more visible to users. Here are a few things that advertisers should know about this new format:

1. The new format provides more space for your ads.

2. The new format makes your ads more visible to users.

3. The new format is designed to work with all screen sizes.

4. The new format is available now to all advertisers.

If you’re an advertiser on Google AdSense, we encourage you to try out the new side rail ads format. We think you’ll be happy with the results!

4. How to Get Started With the New Side Rail Ads Format

Google has announced a new side rail ad format for AdSense publishers. This new format will be available to all publishers in the coming weeks.

The new side rail ad format is a responsive ad unit that automatically adjusts its size and placement on the page to optimize performance. This means that publishers can now serveside rail ads on all devices, including mobile.

To get started with the new side rail ads format, simply create a new ad unit and select “Side rail” as the ad type. Then, choose the size and placement of your ad unit.

Once you’ve created your ad unit, you can then use the Google Publisher Toolbar to preview how your ad will look on different devices.

The new side rail ads format is a great way to increase your ad revenue. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!


Google AdSense has announced a new Side Rail Ads format, which will allow publishers to place ads on the side of their websites. This new format will provide a more prominent placement for ads and is designed to increase revenue for publishers.


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