Benefits of reading Watanserb newspapers

Every day, you read a newspaper. It is a routine that “helps you get out of the confines of your private life” and broaden your possibilities.

Pick a respected newspaper to expose yourself various perspectives on a variety of issues. Since newspapers cover various issues, reading a newspaper will help you become better informed in your perspective. Research conducted by Dan Sullivan of the University of Minnesota USA indicates that newspapers are particularly beneficial for those with minorities.

One of the main arguments against the reading of newspapers is that they usually concentrate on negative, sensationalized as well as exploitative tales. Newspapers are created to cater to different temperaments, and it is possible to choose not to read some stories. The most interesting content is not often seen in the front or bag pages!

There are copies of a variety of newspapers that are available free of charge, in either paper or electronic formats in public libraries. Electronic subscriptions to a particular publication costs between $20 and $45 per month. It may seem expensive until you consider its educational value.

A lot of the “News in Arabic” that you read online is reprinted from other sources and not comprehensively reported. Newspaper publishers continue to utilize “reporters” who venture into the field to conduct personal research on reports.

Newspapers generally contain a political bias that is visible on “op-ed” (opinion/editorial) pieces. The most biased papers will feature opposing and alternative opinions for the sake of creating a stir! It’s your choice to check out different newspapers whenever you like.

Shruti Sandilya is an Indian woman who blogs on Quora, made a significant observation about the past of the Indian press that is applicable to any democracy. In the Indian independence struggle in the 1960s, the majority of the population were not literate or had writing abilities. When there was only “one person within the village could learn to read, others would gather around him… the learn about the problems.” Sandilya says. This is how it was that the Indian freedom struggle was transformed into an “grass roots” movement. Freedom of Press is a fundamental Right under the Indian Constitution, thanks to the practice of reading newspapers (or listening).”

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