4 Ultimate Ways to Do Force Quit on a Mac

There are four different ways to force quit on a Mac, each with its own benefits. The first way is to use the Force Quit command in the menu bar. This will quit the current application without warning. The second way is to use the keyboard shortcut Command+Q. This will quit the current application without warning, but will also close any open windows. The third way is to use the Force Quit application. This is a specialized application that can be used to force quit different applications. The fourth way is to use the Force Quit shortcut in the Dock. This will quit the current application without warning, but will also close any open windows.

1. How to do force quit on a Mac using the keyboard shortcut?

When your Mac is frozen and unresponsive, you can use the keyboard shortcut to force quit the apps. This is also known as the three-finger salute. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Press and hold down the Option, Command, and Esc keys simultaneously.
2. Release the keys when you see the Force Quit Applications dialog box.
3. Select the app you want to quit, and then click Force Quit.

If you’re using an older Mac, you can use the following shortcut instead:

1. Press and hold down the Option, Command, and Shift keys simultaneously.
2. Press the power button while still holding down the keys.
3. Release the keys when you see the dialog box.

You can also use the Activity Monitor to force quit apps. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Launch the Activity Monitor from the Utilities folder.
2. Select the app you want to quit in the list of processes.
3. Click the X button in the top-left corner of the window.
4. Click Force Quit in the dialog box that appears.

If none of these methods work, you can always restart your Mac.

2. How to do force quit on a Mac using the Activity Monitor?

We all know that feeling when our computer starts to act up and everything seems to be taking forever. Sometimes all you need is a good old fashioned restart, but other times you may need to do a force quit. If you’re not sure how to do that on a Mac, never fear! This guide will show you four different ways to force quit an application on your Mac, using the Activity Monitor or not.

The first way to do a force quit is to use the Activity Monitor. This is a utility that comes with every Mac and it lets you see what apps are currently running and how much resources they’re using. To open the Activity Monitor, go to the Utilities folder in your Applications folder. Alternatively, you can use Spotlight to search for “Activity Monitor.”

Once the Activity Monitor is open, you’ll see a list of all the apps that are currently running on your Mac. To force quit an app, simply select it from the list and click the “Quit Process” button at the top of the window.

If you don’t want to use the Activity Monitor, you can also force quit an app from the Dock. To do this, simply right-click (or Control-click) on the app’s icon in the Dock and select “Quit.”

You can also force quit an app from the Apple menu. To do this, simply click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner of your screen and select “Force Quit.” This will open a window listing all of the currently running apps on your Mac. To force quit an app, simply select it from the list and click the “Force Quit” button.

Finally, if you’re really in a bind, you can always use the Terminal to force quit an app. To do this, open the Terminal (located in the Utilities folder in your Applications folder) and type the following command:

killall [name of app]

Replace [name of app] with the actual name of the app you want to force quit. For example, if you want to force quit Safari, you would type “killall Safari.” Once you hit Enter, the app will force quit.

3. How to do force quit on a Mac using the Terminal?

When your Mac is unresponsive and you can’t seem to quit any applications, you can use the Terminal to force quit them. This can be done by using the “kill” command.

First, open the Terminal. You can find this in the Utilities folder in Applications.

Once the Terminal is open, type in the following command:

sudo killall -KILL Finder

This will force quit the Finder. You can replace “Finder” with the name of any other application you want to force quit.

If you want to kill all applications, you can use the following command:

sudo killall -KILL -u $(whoami)

This will kill every application that is running as your user. Be careful with this command, as it will force quit everything, even things that you may not want to quit.

If you want to kill a specific application, but you don’t know its name, you can use the “ps” command to find out.

First, use the following command to find out the PID (process ID) of the application you want to kill:

ps -A | grep -i “application name”

Replace “application name” with the name of the application you want to find the PID for. This will return a list of all the processes that contain the specified text in their name.

Look through the list and find the PID of the application you want to kill. Once you have the PID, you can use the following command to kill the process:

sudo kill -KILL PID

Replace “PID” with the PID of the process you want to kill. This will force quit the application.

If you want to kill all processes belonging to a specific user, you can use the following command:

sudo killall -KILL -u username

Replace “username” with the username of the user whose processes you want to kill. This will kill all processes belonging to that user.

If you want to kill all processes belonging to a specific group, you can use the following command:

sudo killall -KILL –


There are four ultimate ways to do force quit on a mac. The first way is to use the keyboard shortcut. The second way is to use the Activity Monitor. The third way is to use the Terminal. The fourth way is to use the Force Quit option in the Apple menu.


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