Does Personal Training Actually Work?

Personal training, with the exception of membership fees, generates the most revenue for fitness centres of any service. Certainly, the field has grown dramatically over the last two decades, with consumers consistently ranking personal training as one of the top five services provided by health clubs. Surprisingly, little study has been conducted on the effectiveness of working with a personal trainer or fitness coach. Is it truly assisting customers in achieving their health and fitness goals?

Without a doubt, the majority of us in the fitness business would say yes—provided, of course, that the trainer or coach was well-qualified and the client’s goals were feasible. However, this response is mostly based on anecdotal evidence. Personal trainers’ evaluation focus is currently on the amount of monetary compensation received for training sessions rather than the health outcomes gauging the quality of programme delivery to participants.

According to the transtheoretical model, the minimal amount of published research on personal-training outcomes has mainly focused on biometric measures, exercise adherence, or mobility across the stages of transformation. 

According to a study, weekly sessions with a personal trainer considerably boost clients’ ability to go through the stages of change in terms of physical activity. In terms of outcomes, fitness coaching [defined by Moore and Taschannen-Moran (2010) as assisting clients in developing healthy living practices outside of structured exercise sessions] has also received insufficient attention. Fitness coaching success is often measured by improved lifestyle modifications and decreases in illness and disease. According to Chapman, Lesch, and Baun (2007), fitness coaching is expected to become a mainstay of workplace health promotion practice, as indicated by the number of worksite wellness programmes that now undertake health-risk assessments in conjunction with fitness/wellness coaching.

Fitness coaching, particularly phone treatments, has been studied in adult populations and appears to be useful in boosting fitness and exercise adherence. Working with a trainer can help you improve your fitness level faster than working out on your own.

  • How to Locate a Trainer

If you’re confident that you’d benefit, here are some qualities to look for in a competent trainer:

Hire a personal fitness trainer who has been certified by a respectable licencing agency. The American College of Sports Medicine is widely regarded as the ultimate standard for certification. Another reputable certification organisation is the American Council on Exercise. These organisations help to verify that your trainer has specialist qualifications by educating biomechanics, anatomy and physiology, particular on form and muscle groups, and fitness testing methodologies. You can use the resources above to determine if your trainer is certified.

Can your trainer tailor workouts to your specific needs? Some trainers are better than others at this. If you aren’t getting individual attention, you might as well just go to your local gym and take a class. Individualization is a significant benefit of working with a trainer.

Examine their personal style. Is the trainer’s demeanour more military or more encouraging? One style may suit you more than another. Some trainers may give you your first session for free to evaluate if they are a suitable fit for you.

Make sure the trainer looks over your medical history and tailors your routines to any previous injuries or health difficulties.

Is your trainer paying attention to you during your workouts? If your trainer is staring at a watch or checking his or her phone, he or she is not paying attention to you. You are compensating her for her time and effort. Make certain you receive it.

What can you expect to pay? According to, the typical hourly rate for a personal trainer is $60-$70, quoting Sal Arria, president of the National Board of Fitness Education. However, depending on where you reside, the charge can be higher or as low as $25 per hour, according to the article.

If you work with a trainer in the gym where you have a membership, you might expect to get a better price.

Hiring a personal fitness trainer may appear to be a luxury if you are on a limited budget, but a trainer is a terrific investment if you want to get the most out of your workouts. Improvements in your health and fitness levels can have long-term benefits in terms of quality of life and even lower health-care expenses. That appears to be a smart investment approach.


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